The stroll of elected environmentalists at the Agricultural Show on Friday took place calmly most of the time, unlike that of the members of the executive.
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No whistles but no selfies either for the environmentalists present at the Agricultural Show, Friday March 1st. There was ultimately little reaction to their passage in the aisles, unlike the executive, which was once again targeted. After the very tense day for Emmanuel Macron on Saturday, egg throwing and whistles targeted ministers Christophe Béchu and Marc Fesneau on Friday afternoon. At the same time, the environmentalists, although designated by the government as the enemies of farmers, enjoyed a relatively calm stroll, in front of visitors who did not always recognize these elected officials surrounded by a cluster of journalists.
Only one breeder from Salers questioned MEP and member of the Earth Uprisings Benoît Biteau on the subject of megabasins, these water reservoirs intended for agriculture and denounced by the Greens: “By your methods, you are destroying French agriculture and you are going to reduce water retention in France, we will no longer be able to produce in France”the farmer got annoyed. “The basins are filled with groundwater, it’s a disaster”replied the MEP.
Cordial exchanges with unions
There were then some hugs and cordial exchanges with the unions, even the most hostile, such as the FNSEA and the Rural Coordination, while a few meters away, ministers were taken to task. “It’s quite funny that people who showed us through A+B that we were the great enemies of farmers are received like that at the Agricultural Show when for us, things are going well, it’s sincere, spontaneous”notes Marine Tondelier, national secretary of the Ecologists.
During this visit, Marine Tondelier was on the front line and, at his side, Marie Toussaint, head of the list of the Ecologists in the European elections, seemed as if erased, in an almost uneventful stroll, prepared in advance, and which comforts the ecologists, convinced of having finally become audible on agriculture thanks to the crisis.