an alarming situation in Germany



France 2

Article written by

L. Desbonnets, B. Boussouar, Q. Lazeyras, J. Mechaussie – France 2

France Televisions

The situation has never been more worrying since the start of the Covid-19 epidemic in Germany. Hospitals are close to saturation. In Bavaria, for the first time, a patient had to be transferred to Italy. 65,371 new cases were identified in 24 hours.

A few days before her departure from power, Angela Merkel announces drastic restrictions for the unvaccinated. Never since the start of the epidemic had Germany been so badly affected. “The situation is highly dramatic, now everything will depend on our ability to act fast and hard”, estimated the German Chancellor. Unvaccinated people are no longer allowed to go to most public places such as restaurants or concert halls. A negative test is no longer enough.

Vaccination becomes compulsory for caregivers. This was not the case so far in Germany. These measures come too late to avoid the saturation of many hospitals. In Bavaria, each call to the intensive care unit raises the tension. Choosing which patients can be intubated is a situation that Germany has never experienced.

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