Dozens of people arrived at the airport with suitcases and backpacks, an AFP team noted.
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An air rescue operation. An airlift was set up on Friday October 27 to evacuate tourists stranded in Acapulco, the famous seaside resort on the Pacific coast of Mexico, devastated by Hurricane Otis which left 27 dead, the government announced.
“Acapulco Airport Already Reestablished for Airlift,” announced Defense Minister Luis Cresencio Sandoval, adding that three planes had been scheduled to leave this morning. These are commercial flights for “evacuate tourists and local population” and to send “specialist doctors”he detailed.
Dozens of people arrived at the airport with suitcases and backpacks, an AFP team noted. “We are very happy, grateful to life which gives us the chance to continue”, says Clara Elena Albo, originally from the capital Mexico City, on vacation with her husband in the seaside city.
An isolated town
The city found itself devastated and isolated (roads and airport cut, as well as the internet) after the passage on Wednesday of Hurricane Otis, force 5, which made landfall with winds of more than 250 km/h. The authorities report a toll of 27 dead and four missing.
In total, 80% of the city’s hotels were affected. Businesses and homes were destroyed, streets flooded and trees uprooted. A large part of Acapulco remained without electricity or telephone on Friday, in addition to a shortage of food which caused looting in supermarkets.