“The result of the presidential election says that the voters were united instead of the parties,” said the former finalist in the environmental primary.
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“A left-wing agreement for the legislative elections would be a historic turning point”said environmentalist Sandrine Rousseau on franceinfo, adding that the negotiations currently underway between the various left-wing parties “were visibly on the verge of success”. According to her, this agreement provides for the distribution of the constituencies according to the political weight of the parties, but also a programmatic agreement. “We will never agree on everything, but we have a common base of values and objectives”she assured.
While his party’s presidential candidate Yannick Jadot has distanced himself from these negotiations, “there is no risk of a split” at Europe Ecologie-Les Verts, according to her. “There is a huge majority of the movement which is for this agreement and for us to set up this cohabitation. This would give people hope because the government is the one who manages their daily lives”she clarified.
On the place of the leader of the Insoumis Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Sandrine Rousseau ensures that it is “undeniably the leader of this sequence and that it is his responsibility to make this alliance”. While the Socialist Party or EELV criticize the hegemony of La France insoumise on this agreement, she believes that “Jean-Luc Mélenchon does not want this hegemony”.
The desire for an agreement is what dominates among voters according to her. “The result of the presidential election says that the voters were united instead of the parties”she judged, adding that “the most important thing for them is that we win”.