an agreement for the resumption of grain exports will be signed on Friday in Turkey

The agreement, which kyiv and Moscow are preparing to sign, provides for the creation of secure corridors in the Black Sea to allow Ukrainian ships carrying grain to pass.

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Ukraine, the breadbasket of Europe, will soon be able to produce its wheat. A agreement between kyiv and Moscow to allow the resumption of exports via the Black Sea will be signed in Istanbul on Friday. It was Turkey, which acts as an intermediary in this file, which made the announcement on the evening of Thursday, July 21.

The signing will take place at midday at Dolmabahçe Palace. Will be present around the table in particular: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres, as well as representatives of Russia and Ukraine.

The agreement provides for the creation of secure corridors in the Black Sea to allow Ukrainian ships carrying grain to pass. Those circulating in the direction of Odessa will be inspected by a neutral country, probably Turkey, to ensure that they are not carrying weapons.

In exchange, Russia obtains in this agreement measures removing the obstacles which weigh on its own exports of foodstuffs since the beginning of its invasion of Ukraine. The international sanctions do not directly target food, but affect money transfers to Russia and complicate the supply of ships by transport companies.

The agreement that would allow the resumption of Ukrainian grain exports could lower food prices, which have soared since the start of the war. They contribute to the inflation felt in France in particular, and to a risk of famine in regions such as sub-Saharan Africa, Egypt and Lebanon.

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