an agreement between rebels and socialists “would be an important act” for the socialist mayor of Nancy Mathieu Klein

“You have to hear what left-wing voters expressed during the presidential election,” said the mayor of Nancy.

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An agreement between the Socialist Party and rebellious France, “giving political perspectives to left-wing citizens would be an important act”, estimated this Monday, May 2 on franceinfo the PS mayor of Nancy, Mathieu Klein, while negotiations between the two parties with a view to the legislative elections of 12 and 19 June are underway.

>> Legislative: follow the negotiations live between insubordinate France and the Socialist Party

Hear what left-leaning voters said in the presidential election“, says the chosen one, namely “the need for the left to be able to discuss, to dialogue, to get along and perhaps, to embody a hope“.

The elected official recalls that the Socialist Party “is not in favor of disobeying the European treaties“and that during the campaign for the presidential election, the PS has “pleaded for the maintenance of the retirement at 62 years“.

Mathieu Klein also points out that this joint work already exists at the local level, since “in our municipal, departmental or regional majorities, we work with all the forces of the left“.

The mayor of Nancy therefore wishes that “this agreement takes into account this powerful and necessary identity of social democracy and the political diversity of our territories“.

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