An after-Federer to invent for Nadal, Djokovic and Murray

(London) Roger Federer’s retirement at 41, after his double in the Laver Cup on Friday in London, will confront his rivals and teammates in their thirties from the European team, Rafael Nadal, Andy Murray, Novak Djokovic, to the question of their own future.

Posted at 9:37

“Sitting here, I think it’s good to be the first of these guys to go. It seems appropriate to me, ”explained the Swiss, Thursday, during the collective press conference.

The eldest of a golden generation who enchanted the circuit for more than fifteen years, Federer was in turn the absolute reference, then a king with a wavering crown, before becoming a challenger himself.

He even managed a return to the fore a few years ago that few believed him capable of.

But the condition of his right knee ended up dashing his hopes of a final recall on the stage and the announcement of his imminent retirement a week ago sent his rivals back to their own sporting finitude.

“I didn’t need to hear this news to know that the end was near. It’s the normal cycle of life, right? “, advanced Thursday Nadal (36), philosopher.

“The First of Us Who Leaves”

“But this time it’s our turn and this is probably one of the most important players, if not the most important, in the history of this sport who is leaving,” said he pointed out.

“And, it’s true, when the first of us leaves, there’s something in your head that you miss. On a personal level, yes, it was very, very, very sad news and a difficult day,” admitted the Mallorcan.

“When you get older as an athlete, with some physical glitches, you necessarily wonder if you should say stop, when and how you would like it to happen,” admitted Murray, from the height of his 35 springs.

Along with an opponent, these players also lose a sting.

“I know how lucky I was to have been part of this generation […] We always wanted to win against each other, always to be better than each other, ”said Djokovic, also 35 years old.

“I was incredibly happy to be in this team, knowing that it would probably be the first and the last time that we would all be together, even if at that time I did not know yet that he was going to take his retirement,” he said.

“His announcement only made it even more special,” he added.

Several times, the ax has already failed to fall for some of them.

“No better way to go”

When asked about his most memorable matches with ‘Roger’, Nadal notably mentioned the Australian Open final in 2017.

“A few months before, we were together, injured, talking about how it was going to be, if we were going to be able to return to the circuit at this level, and a few months later, here we are playing the final in Australia , in five rounds”, had narrated the Spaniard, while at his side Federer slipped a “yeah, it’s true” with dreamy nostalgia.

For the fans too, the void will be immense, but the younger generation hopes to fill it.

“It will be tough on a lot of fans, because Serena (Williams, who retired at the last US Open) and Roger probably have more fans than anyone in tennis,” noted the American. Taylor Fritz, 24 years old.

“But I think tennis becomes all the more fun […] because in every tournament there are ten players who can potentially win. I hope the fans will continue to follow tennis,” he pleaded.

Before that, there is still a double to live, a final point that everyone hopes will be unforgettable for a legendary career.

“I find that seeing him and Rafa, on the same side of the net […] with Bjorn (Borg) at the edge of the court, in the presence of John McEnroe, with Rod Laver in the stands, it’s a very cool way to end his career. I can’t think of a better way to leave than that, ”said Murray, almost envious.

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