An “absolute” heat record for November is expected this Saturday

Montreal is heading for an “absolute” heat record for the month of November. The thermometer should indicate 23 ° C this Saturday in the metropolis, eclipsing a previous maximum dating…. of 2020.

A mass of warm air from the southern United States is currently providing Quebec with almost summery weather. “The peak” of this unusual heat should be reached on Saturday, according to Environment Canada, with a maximum forecast of 23 ° C.

If this forecast comes true, it will be an “absolute maximum” recorded during the month of November in Quebec.

The previous heat record dates back to 2020. A peak of 22.4°C was recorded on November 10. The penultimate record dates from November 1948 with a peak of 21.7°C.

” The trend [de prévision] has been maintained for several days”, which he suggests is a fair forecast for this weekend, confirms Environment Canada meteorologist Mariane Peltier-Champigny.

The seasonal average for November 5 is around 7 to 8°C.

The weather will also be clement in Quebec, with mercury fluctuating between 15 and 20°C, depending on the proportion of clouds and sunshine. The record of 21.7°C is therefore unlikely to be reached in the capital.

This beginning of November is like a warmer and drier fall than usual in Quebec.

During the month of October, the entire territory benefited from above-normal temperatures varying between 1 and 3°C. The biggest weather anomalies were recorded in the northern cities of Sept-Îles, Fermont and Schefferville.

Montreal recorded temperatures 1.9°C higher than normal, and received only 44% of the usual precipitation.

Quebec recorded a temperature 1.2°C higher than normal, and only 69% of the usual rain.

Europe too

After a sweltering summer, Europe continues to experience an abnormally hot climate.

In France, the average temperature for the whole of October reached 17.2 ° C, said Météo France, or 3.5 ° C above normal.

In Germany, October ended with an average temperature of 12.5°C. As in France, this is an average of 3.5°C above normal. Belgium recorded an average in October of 14.4°C, which is 3.1 above the seasonal values.

The trends are similar in Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Austria and even the United Kingdom. Official data has yet to be released by Italian and Spanish agencies, but experts already estimate temperatures to have been 2-3°C above normal.

The European continent is the one that is warming up the fastest, the UN revealed on Wednesday.

Temperatures in Europe have undergone a considerable rise over the period 1991-2021, with a warming of around 0.5°C per decade, underlined a report compiled by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) of the United Nations and the European Copernicus climate change service.

The rise in temperatures portends heat, forest fires, droughts, floods… Europe “offers a vivid image of a warming planet and it reminds us that even well-prepared societies are not immune consequences of extreme weather events,” noted WMO Secretary-General Petteri Taalas of Finland in the foreword to this report.

With Agence France-Presse

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