An 18-year-old student in police custody in Tourcoing, suspected of having beaten a teacher

The teacher allegedly asked the student to remove her veil, according to the first elements of the investigation.

Article written by

franceinfo – with France Bleu Nord

Radio France


Reading time: 3 min

The Sévigné high school in Tourcoing. (GOOGLE STREET VIEW SCREENSHOT)

An 18-year-old student was taken into police custody Monday evening, suspected of having hit a teacher at the Sévigné high school in Tourcoing (North), France Bleu Nord learned on Tuesday October 8 from a police source. According to the first elements of the investigation, the teacher in technical medico-social sciences (STMS) asked this student to remove her religious veil which she had just put on before leaving the high school, sources learned. police France Bleu Nord and franceinfo.

Still according to these sources, the student refused and left the school, followed by the teacher whom she pushed and slapped and to whom she punched. According to police sources and according to the account of Jean-François Carémel, academic secretary of SNES-FUS, after being slapped, the teacher responded with a slap. The student then beat the teacher. The student fled and was finally arrested at her home, shortly before 7 p.m. Monday, then placed in police custody. According to a police source at franceinfo, she is not known to the courts. The teacher filed a complaint.

Tuesday morning the high school teachers met following these facts, France Bleu Nord learned from the educational team. The attacked teacher was not present at the school. The principal of the establishment decided to cancel classes on Tuesday. A crisis unit was opened with the teaching team and the rectorate. At this stage, the rectorate confirms to France Bleu Nord that an incident occurred in the establishment on Monday but without giving details.

The town of Tourcoing also confirms the occurrence of an incident. Doriane Bécue, the mayor of the city, reacted in a press release to France Bleu Nord. “I strongly condemn the violence suffered by the teacher at the Sévigné high school in Tourcoing while she was enforcing the principle of secularism with a student”she writes. “School is the place for the transmission of republican values ​​and we must all support our teachers in the face of this unacceptable act”she continues, “with the municipal team, we stand alongside all the teachers, staff and management of the establishment. They have our full support.”

“This is unacceptable”reacted on X the Minister of Education Anne Genetet. “A precautionary measure has already been taken against the student in question to prohibit him from accessing the establishment until his disciplinary council meets.” She asks that “very firm disciplinary sanctions be imposed given the seriousness of the facts”. “The School of the Republic will not allow any attack on its principles and values ​​to pass. We will never compromise. I won’t let anything go.”added the minister.

Gérald Darmanin, former Minister of the Interior, MP for the North and former mayor of Tourcoing also reacted on the social network X: “I want to give all my support to this teacher from Tourcoing who, while she was simply upholding secularism – our common good – was hit by a student. Everyone must support our teachers and condemn this violence against the Republic. -even”he commented.

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