Amount, additional premium, employees concerned… What the value sharing law contains

The bill on the sharing of value within the company is examined Monday in the National Assembly.

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Salary slip (photo illustration).  (RICHARD VILLALON / MAXPPP)

The bill on the sharing of business value arrives in the National Assembly on Monday, June 26. This is the transposition of an agreement signed in February between social partners, except the CGT. After the pension conflict, the government wants to resume on other social issues, the objective is to extend the sharing of company profits with employees.

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The first concerned will be the employees who work in a company which has between 11 and 49 employees. The law plans to oblige these companies – provided that they are profitable – to set up at least one mechanism from 2024: participation, profit-sharing or value-sharing bonus – this is the so-called Macron bonus, created in 2018 , in the midst of the yellow vests crisis. The employee can receive the sum directly or place it in a savings plan.

1.5 million employees concerned

The measure must be tested for five years. The government estimates that this could concern one and a half million employees. Today, more than one out of two private sector employees benefits from a value-sharing scheme, but in these small companies specifically, the proportion drops to one out of five. The idea is therefore to make more people benefit from it. For very small companies, with 10 employees or less, everything will remain optional: they will have “the possibility“to share their profits, according to the text of the law.

>> Incentive, participation, bonuses. What will the law on value sharing change?

In SMEs with 10 to 49 employees who already share their profits, there are 1,944 euros for a participation scheme and 2,221 euros for profit-sharing. The so-called Macron bonus can go up to 6,000 euros per year exempt from tax – on average, in these companies, we are rather around 600 euros – according to figures from 2020.

Companies with more than 50 employees must already redistribute their profits – via the mechanism of participation – it is an obligation. With this text – it will be possible to receive an additional bonus if the company makes exceptional profits – the management will have to open negotiations with the trade unions to define such a profit and its sharing, but if there is no okay, there will be no extra bonus.

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