Amnéville swimming pool closed after new incidents

New heat stroke at the Amnéville swimming pool. Tuesday July 19, at the height of the heat wave and when many swimmers were cooling off in the pools, a group of young people caused troubleup to assaulting employees. A lifeguard was beaten so much so that his colleagues and clients had to help him. Two teenagers were arrested by municipal and national officials. The town hall has decided to file a complaint, in support of its employees.

Message from Eric Munier on his Facebook page

Employees on edge

But they do not intend to be satisfied with this single reaction, faced with this serious event which is not a precedent. Overflows had already occurred in this same pool, on June 18, during the last heat wave. The employees had gone on strike at the beginning of the month to denounce the insufficiency of security measures on the part of the municipality. They again decided to stop work andexercise their right of withdrawal until July 31.

The swimming pool is closed until July 31
The swimming pool is closed until July 31

“The agents are doing very badly”reacts Raphael Caciti, CGT staff representative. “The security measures are not really put in place as they should be. We are asking for a security service worthy of the name. A sufficient number of security guards. The lifeguards can no longer work properly. They must monitor the pool and enforce the rules. The mayor minimizes. It becomes disastrous.”

Contacted by France Bleu Lorraine, the town hall of Amnéville has not yet reacted.

Summer under tension in the swimming pools of Moselle

This is not the first time that tempers have been heated in a Moselle swimming pool: since the beginning of the summer, incidents are on the rise. Also on June 18, several hundred people forced the doors and committed damage to the Aquarives center in Hagondange. The police also had to intervene at the Montigny les Metz swimming pool, which was also forced to close, overwhelmed by the crowds.

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