Amnesty International Report | Two weights, two measures against Israel

In response to Laura-Julie Perreault’s column, “Israel: the art of torpedoing criticism”*, published on February 2

Posted at 12:00 p.m.

Richard Marceau

Richard Marceau
Vice President, External Relations and General Counsel of the Center for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA), the representative agency of the Jewish Federations of Canada

The column published by Laura-Julie Perreault in The Press February 2 on the report by Amnesty International which accuses Israel of imposing a “system of oppression and domination on the Palestinian people wherever they control their rights” and of committing the crime of apartheid, does not take into account the substantial criticism leveled at Amnesty International’s 280-page report.

In her column, Laura-Julie Perrault describes as a “jewel of irony” the remarks of Yaïr Lapid, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Israel, according to which “Israel is not perfect, but it is a democracy attached to international law , open to criticism. Rather, the irony lies in accusing the Jewish state of the worst crimes against humanity knowing that, like Quebec, Israel is a robust, well-established democracy, the only true democracy in the Middle East, which is characterized through the holding of free and fair elections, the protection of human rights and the equality of all its citizens before the law.

The column does not mention the fact that the Amnesty report actually repudiates United Nations General Assembly Resolution 181 of 1947, which endorsed the repatriation of an indigenous people, the Jews, to their ancestral homeland.

It is clear from repeated references to the founding of Israel in 1948 that nothing short of the complete dismantling of the Jewish state would satisfy the organization.

In addition to denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, Amnesty applies double standards to the Jewish state, opposing any policy that affects Israel’s identity as the state of the Jewish people. while it does not oppose any of the 80 countries in the world that have a state and/or a state religion. Amnesty also uses symbols and images associated with classic anti-Semitism, such as reference to Jewish supremacy, Jewish domination and Jewish wealth.

Arab Israeli activists and politicians condemned the report, noting that while problems exist, Israel is diverse and the apartheid libel is simply not appropriate based on their lived experience. Amnesty also denies the facts on the ground that Israeli Arabs, who make up 21% of the population, are fully integrated into all aspects of life, including diplomacy, medicine, sports and academia. Arab politicians and political parties are found in both the coalition government and the opposition.

As we witness the normalization of ties between Israel and several Arab countries since, among other things, the signing of the Abraham Accords – which has a significant impact throughout the region – it is shameful to see that Amnesty International is fanning the flames. of extremism and fails to promote peaceful coexistence between Israelis and Palestinians and to support genuine efforts to achieve the two-state solution, the only realistic option for Jews and Arabs to realize their aspirations national.

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