Amnesty International publishes its annual report on Tuesday, entitled: “the reaction to the Russian invasion of Ukraine reveals an international system ill-suited to the management of global crises”.
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In its 2022 annual report published on Tuesday March 28, Amnesty International points out “the existence throughout the world of double standards in matters of human rights”. According to the NGO, the reaction “farm” of the West, following the Russian aggression in Ukraine, “contrasts sharply with the deplorable lack of action worthy of the name in the face of the serious violations committed by some of its allies, such as Saudi Arabia, Egypt or Israel”.
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Russia’s invasion of Ukraine “exposed the hypocrisy of Western states”Who “turned a blind eye to serious violations committed elsewhere, or even were complicit in them”. Amnesty International denounces “the inability of the international community to unite around a systematic application of universal values for the protection of fundamental rights”. The NGO also believes that “women’s rights and the freedom to demonstrate are threatened by States, which fail in their obligation to protect and respect rights on their territory”. Finally, as we approach the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, on December 10, “Amnesty International wishes to reiterate that a rules-based international system must be grounded in human rights and apply to everyone, everywhere.”
Reform of the UN Security Council
According to Amnesty International, in 2022, the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic, climate change, conflicts and economic crises “caused in part by the Russian invasion of Ukraine”, “have further aggravated threats to human rights”. Nevertheless“states have failed to act in the best interests of humanity and have failed to reduce their dependence on fossil fuels, the main factor that pushes us towards the greatest threat to life that we have ever known“. And to denounce: “This collective failure is another glaring example of the weakness of current multilateral systems.”
Amnesty International calls in the first place “to fully fund the human rights mechanisms of the United Nations”so that “investigations can be carried out, that accountability is guaranteed and that justice is done”. The NGO also calls for a reform of the Security Council, “in order to raise the voice of countries and situations that are traditionally ignored, especially in the southern hemisphere”.