Amir opens up about the big sacrifice his wife Lital made for him

When we love we don’t count and that Amir known. On June 16 at the microphone ofEuropean 1the singer confided in his relationship with Lita Haddad, the mother of his children, who has already made a huge sacrifice for him. “She went so far as to change countries for me. She did not speak French. Like everyone else, she might have preferred to evolve in the country where she had studied, and whose language she spoke. This choice to start from scratch is extremely courageous. She made a real sacrifice. She knows that I don’t forget”, did he declare. Lita Hadid being from Tel Aviv, she came to settle in France to live her story with Amir and currently she is pregnant with their second child. So it was worth it!

For his part, Amir has also already made concessions for his wife and his family life: dropping his phone. And if it may seem anecdotal, for the ex-candidate of “The Voice” it was a real addiction that he surpassed by participating in “Our Unknown Lands”. “It was by far the hardest challenge for me”, he confided to our colleagues from Télé Stars last March. Before adding: “In this adventure, I am hyperactive who discovered emptiness. A violent withdrawal”. Once he got home, he applied what he had learned to put down his phone and enjoy his family. “I applied my new good resolution by posing”.

The singer also demonstrated his love for Lita Haddad in song, dedicating his title “Retina” to her. A success that allowed him to win the title of “Song of the Year” on June 4, the day he also brought his wife on stage, with a nice round belly. “Not only is it a song that I wrote for her, but also because she has accompanied me in the shadows since the beginning of my dream. She is there to support me, to guide me, to help me, to give me strength”he told Europe 1.

Laura Bertrand

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