Amir dad for the second time: his beautiful Lital gave birth, the sex of the baby (finally) revealed

Amir Haddad is a dad for the second time. This is what the 38-year-old artist announced on Monday July 4, 2022 on his social networks. “He was born this Sunday at 1:45 p.m., a beautiful little prince. Mom was majestic of courage“, shared the interpreter of I sought. It is therefore a second little boy who has joined the Haddad family, made up of the parents and their eldest, Michael, two years old. He did not fail to add about this baby and his wife Lital Aharonovitch Haddad: “She and baby are fine, and my heart is melting.” “thank you life“, concluded Amir Haddad.

The couple is on a small cloud with this birth. On June 4, a month before the birth of their second son, Amir Haddad had the right to a nice surprise from his wife since Lital Aharonovitch had joined him on stage during the recording of the premium of The Song of the Year. Pregnant, she had appeared by his side to sing with him his tube Retina of Amir, dedicated “Song of the year 2022”. Revealing her well-rounded belly in front of all the fans.

A desire for a large family

It was in April, the singer’s wife, Lital revealed this second pregnancy on Instagram. She had thus published a photo in which she appears with a beautiful baby bump. We then saw three hands, that of Lital, one which seems to be that of the singer, and a smaller one, that of their first child Mickaël who has now become a big brother. “Blessed“, understand blessed“, she had simply written in the caption. On the side of the singer, he had already expressed his desire to enlarge the family in the columns of Gala. “Have five or six, but Lital is more reasonable than me“, he had confided.

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