Aminata Diallo “suffered infamous custody”, according to her lawyer

The PSG midfielder was released from custody on Thursday after being suspected of assaulting one of her teammates. Friday on franceinfo, his lawyer believes that “his name has been thrown in the pasture”.

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Paris Saint-Germain footballer Aminata Diallo “suffered infamous police custody”, estimated Friday, November 12 on franceinfo his lawyer Mourad Battikh. The midfielder was taken into custody on Wednesday on suspicion of assaulting one of her teammates on November 4. This custody was lifted Thursday without legal action against the player, who disputes the charges.

His lawyer denounces in this case the “collective responsibility of the media” who according to him “thrown his name into the pasture”. According to him, Aminata Diallo did “absolutely and strictly nothing to do” with the assault of her teammate Kheira Hamraoui. He recalled that Aminata Dialo “has also suffered” this aggression.

“If there was any semblance of suspicion in this very media case, Aminata Diallo would not have been released from custody so simply, assures Franceinfo master Mourad Battikh. This is to tell you the strength of this dossier which is completely non-existent. “ He adds that his client collaborated with investigators throughout the 36 hours of his custody, also refusing to be assisted by a lawyer.

Aminata Diallo’s lawyer claims her client is still standing “at the entire disposal of justice” and is confident for the future. “There are other hypotheses highlighted by the investigators, which seem much more serious than a hypothetical involvement of Ms. Diallo”, says Mourad Battikh. “In my opinion, we were a little quick to work on her.” The Versailles public prosecutor’s office told France Bleu Paris that investigators continue to verify the versions, in particular by examining telephone records, but that no major rebound is expected in the coming days.

Mourad Battikh believes that the midfielder rivalry between Aminata Diallo and Kheira Hamraoui “is a story for the media”. “These two young ladies were going on vacation together, he explains. They are above all friends. To say that there is only one position for both is an invention. During the last PSG match in Dijon, they were together on the pitch. “

Although“affected”, “diminished” and “psychologically weakened” by his police custody and by the media coverage of the case according to his counsel, “Madame Diallo wants to push back the lawns and help PSG win titles”. “She is ready and available to Paris Saint-Germain.” Master Mourad Battikh specifies that a “assessment of his state of health” is planned by the club “to see if she can be reinstated in the short or medium term in the team.”


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