American veterans back on the scene




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They hadn’t been back for… 78 years. In Normandy, American veterans made the trip on the occasion of the commemorations of the landing. Reportage.

To celebrate the landing of June 6, 1944, many commemorations will be held in Normandy. On this occasion, American veterans made the trip to France. After more than 8 hours of flight, and to applause, the American veterans once again set foot on Normandy soil. They had not returned for 78 years.

“I am very happy to be able to participate in this trip”, confides Jack Stowe, veteran of the US Navy. In total, 35 veterans made the trip. And among them is Dorothy F. Jones, who served in June 1944. “The landing changed the face of the world”, she says. The duty of remembrance is also transmitted to new generations. Soldiers from the 101st AirBorne also made the trip to follow in the footsteps of their elders.

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