American jailed for life after driving into crowd

(Washington) A man who killed six people by driving into a crowd during a Christmas parade in the United States in 2021, was sentenced on Wednesday to life in prison without the possibility of parole.

Darrell Brooks, 40, was convicted in October by a popular jury of intentional homicide, endangering the lives of others and hit-and-run, among other charges.

For his crimes, Judge Jennifer Dorow handed down the heaviest sentence after two grueling days of hearings in a court in Waukesha, in the northern United States. “Frankly, you deserve it,” she justified.

“There are too many aggravating circumstances in this case to take into account,” she said, citing Darrell Brooks’ “contempt” for life and rules, but also his “lack of remorse” or his criminal record.

The day before, his victims had marched to the bar to recount the trauma and suffering inflicted by the one they called a “demon”.

His relatives then spoke on his behalf. Referring to her son’s psychiatric problems, his mother felt that it would be more appropriate to commit him to a medical institution.

He himself said “sorry” on Wednesday in a long rambling tirade, and said he had trouble understanding the “why” of his actions.

But, as he had done many times during his trial, he interrupted the judge, refused to be silent or to sit down, so he was transported to an adjacent room for the end of the trial. hearing.

“You may have mental issues, bipolar disorder or childhood trauma, but that is not the reason for your actions on November 21, 2021,” commented the magistrate.

That day, Darrell Brooks rammed his vehicle into crowds in Waukesha, Wisconsin, where an annual Christmas parade was being held, shortly after he became involved in a nearby domestic dispute. In his mad dash, he had killed six people, including a child, and injured dozens.

“He decided not to control his rage” and “to rush without regard into the crowd where he did not hit one or two people, but 68”, declared the judge, very moved at the mention of the “carnage “.

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