American aid “will eventually pass,” says geostrategy expert


Video length: 3 min

War in Ukraine: American aid “will eventually pass”, says geostrategy expert

War in Ukraine: American aid “will eventually pass”, estimates a geostrategy expert – (franceinfo)

Yurri Clavilier, expert in geostrategy, is the guest of 19/20 info, Tuesday December 12. He returns to the position of the American Congress regarding continued American aid to Ukraine, while Volodymyr Zelensky is visiting the United States.

Could the US Congress deny Volodymyr Zelensky continued US aid? “The help will eventually come”, indicates Yurri Clavilier, expert in geostrategy, guest of 19/20 info, Tuesday December 12, while the Ukrainian president is visiting the United States. Even if there is resistance from the Republican side, “this is especially the message of pro-Trump people”he explains, before recalling that “The vast majority of the money that was spent to support Ukraine was invested in the United States directly”.

American deliveries questioned

This money is invested in the United States since American companies work and then supply equipment to Ukrainians. Deliveries sometimes raise questions, such as the Abrams tanks. “They sent 31. (…) When you know the number of tanks that the Americans have, it seems very few”notes the geostrategy expert. “The Ukrainians are waiting to know what we are going to send them (…) to know what they can do. At the same time, we would like to know what the Ukrainians want to do to know what we should send”concludes Yurri Clavilier.

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