Amélie Nothomb, in a relationship with a Frenchman, does not want children: “It’s much too dangerous!”

Since her debut thirty years ago with her multi-award winning novel Assassin’s Hygiene, Amélie Nothomb has never played the stars: a talented writer, the 50-year-old talks little about her private life, preferring to put all her energy into her stories and her characters. And those of his next novel are special, since they evoke a very important person in his life: Juliette, his older sister.

A sister she loves with a “absolute love“, according to what she confided to Paris Match, evoking their immense closeness since their childhood. However, there is no question for them of depriving themselves of stories of the heart: both have always been able to make sense of things. The opportunity for Amélie Nothomb to address the subject of her private life as rarely: “Of course, we both had several stories. I found love myself, a long time ago. A Frenchman, we do what we can! she says with humor. That’s also why my life is in Paris.

On the other hand, there is no question for her of getting married: “It never made me dream. Love doesn’t need institutions, I prefer to live in hiding”, explains the fifties who recently lost her father and had suffered from anorexia during her youth. And questioned by the magazine on children, his answer is without appeal: “My God, it’s way too dangerous!“.

Above all, I am too often pregnant with my countless children [ses livres, ndlr]. Right now, I’m wearing my 105th. And this morning, while picking up my passport at the town hall, I caught a glimpse of the 106th. As a good mother of a large family, I count those who have never been published and I know their place in the siblings“, she confides, therefore planning two books when the new one is barely out.

A relationship with the family rather clear to the family, which she has difficulty managing on the other hand in the media: whereas a few months ago, The Express released a long report about her, she just couldn’t read it: “I only read the beginning: it made me so uncomfortable that I didn’t want to inflict the rest on myself. I had the impression that I was being attributed words that were not mine. It’s okay, but it’s not me. My private life, I don’t hide it. I don’t put it forward or backward. As for my fame, I have always experienced it as a sad accidentshe reveals, honestly.

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