Amélie Neten and the mystery around the identity of the father of her son: her rare revelations

Revealed to the general public in Secret Story in 2010 with his memorable spats with Senna and his mythical “How are you“, Amélie Neten has realized the dream of her life a year after leaving the house of secrets: to become the mother of a beautiful little boy with blond hair named Hugo. But for more than ten years, the former candidate of tele- reality keeps the mystery of the identity of the father of her son. If she has long refused to answer questions about him, she has nevertheless agreed to reveal some details of their now ended romantic relationship and the circumstances of her pregnancy in her book Why so much hate? published on March 23, 2017.

We were young, we flirted, we had fun. From bird of passage, he became my stork” she says about the father of her child. Long-time friends, she says she started seeing him when she returned from Los Angeles. “He was not ready to assume this paternity. I explained to him that I wanted this baby and, even if he did not want it, he was very correct with me” she explained.

If I do not mention the first or last name of this man, it is to preserve his privacy, he does not belong to reality TV or the world of TV. He’s a discreet person and I don’t want to expose him“revealed the pretty blonde before admitting that she would never have suspected that this man would become”someone so important [sa] life“.”Hugo and him know each other and see each other. My son didn’t reject him, he knows he’s his daddy and he still has a place in his life” she specified.

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