Amel Bent with the family: adorable (and rare) photo of her husband Patrick, with their children

This family, which fills her with happiness, Amel Bent founded it with the man of her life, the one to whom she has been married since June 2015, Patrick Antonelli. The couple had united in Neuilly-sur-Seine. Rare are the times when the singer shows her other half, one of the most discreet men. The interpreter of Song of the doves made an exception this Monday, April 18.

Amel Bent posted a photo of her husband on her Instagram story, showing him in their living room playing cards with their two daughters. Dressed in a white T-shirt and black shorts, Patrick Antonelli once again does not appear with his face uncovered. In another published later, we discover that Sofia and Hana are intractable when it comes to playing battle. An attitude that makes their mother laugh a lot. “Wouaaa without pity the sisters“, comments Amel Bent on this adorable family sequence (see slideshow).

Always has not always been rosy in the family of Amel Bent, but regardless of the hardships, she has always remained solid. Entangled in a driving license fraud case, the businessman (manager of a driving school) was tried in 2020 and sentenced to 4 years in prison and a fine of 100,000 euros. Having appealed, a second judgment pronounced last January had finally reduced the prison sentence from 4 to 3 years, 2 of which were suspended. Patrick Antonelli then had the option of being placed under house arrest with an electronic bracelet or of requesting a sentence adjustment. A bad memory that the whole family undoubtedly wants to forget today

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