Amel Bent with an open heart about her singing career!

This Saturday, June 18, Amel Bent was the guest of Pascal Nègre on RFM. The opportunity for the singer to confide in her life as a mom, but also on her career as an artist. Between the sale of his albums and gold records, the star seems peaceful. ” Yes, of course, that’s reassuring. “, she explained before adding: “ I have felt obligations since the day I set foot at La Nouvelle Star, because when you choose this profession, you know that you will leave your feathers there. But we also know why we do it. So the obligations go hand in hand. »

“It’s a way of saying thank you”

But if the rewards are reassuring, these are above all a way to thank his fans and all the people who have enabled him to achieve his goals. ” It’s a platform to say thank you to my audience above all because there is loyalty “. And to continue: They are there even when there is not that. And then to the teams because you don’t make an album alone. You don’t go on a tour alone. If I’m here today, it’s because there are people who worked for me to be here with you. It’s a way of saying thank you to all the people we don’t see and who work in the shadows “.

Happier than ever, Amel Bent has reason to be proud of her success. His latest album “Vivante” was certified gold. But if he hadn’t been, nothing would have changed. “FUltimately, when it’s not the gold records and awards, the fun is the same. »

During his interview, the interpreter of the title “My Philosophy” also had the opportunity to address a completely different subject. Namely, the lack of women in his field. If there has ” a bit more ” that there is ” ten or fifteen years “, she seems to wonder about” their longevity “. ” There are always generations of female artists, but I have the impression that female artists are erased very quickly. Where, perhaps, men manage to build on the length “.


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