Amel Bent solo mother of 3 children who does not “manage”: overwhelmed, she reveals to have asked for “help”

Amel Bent, former candidate of the show New star, confided in the microphone of RFM on her life as a mother when she is all alone to take care of her three children. “How do you manage ?” Asked host Pascal Nègre. To which the singer replied, very frankly: “Exactly I do not manage“. She notably encountered difficulties recently with her youngest, born at the beginning of April, since he was hospitalized in emergency because of acute bronchiolitis, preventing him from breathing well.

The young mother admitted in the process that her baby was not yet sleeping. Faced with these difficulties, in addition to his two other children Sofia (6 years old) and Hana (4 years old) to manage, the 36-year-old artist admitted to having asked for help from those around him. “Me, my problem is that I’m someone who wants to control everything, manage everything, I want to be the captain of my boat. But wanting to do everything ‘quick, quick, quick’ you’re everywhere, you’re nowhere, so I asked for help“, she explained in remarks reported by Gala before the broadcast of the show.

A husband in prison but devoted relatives

“I said to my mother-in-law, ‘Do you mind going on a school trip, bringing them in the morning?'” she said, she who uses the bottle in particular as a lethal weapon to stay the course. Her son-in-law, her sister, her cousin or even her best friend also got their hands dirty. “Then all of a sudden, when everyone’s doing a little bit with you, we blew, and everyone is happier and cooler“, noted Amel Bent.

As a reminder, her three children were born from her union with her husband Patrick Antonelli, whom she married in June 2015. But unfortunately she cannot count on him to support her in her role as a parent currently since he has been sentenced to fifteen months in prison last March for having illegally exercised the profession of security guard. He would have precisely replaced one day, at short notice, a bodyguard of his companion, as the newspaper reported. The Parisian.

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