Amel Bent reveals having miscarried during “The Voice”

Two years after the release of the album “Demain”, Amel Bent is back with a new opus entitled “Vivante” on which we find the titles “Until the end” in duet with Imen Es, “1.2.3 ” in duet with Hatik and “Le chant des colombes”. To ensure the promotion of this disc, the singer of 38 years connects the TV shows and the interviews.

After a stint in “Daily”, Amel Bent was this Saturday, October 23, 2021, present during the final of “The Voice All Stars” as guest of honor. After a duet with the finalist Manon, she did not fail to perform her new hit on stage.

Amel Bent makes a terrible confession
This Sunday, October 24, 2021, the mother will once again be in the spotlight on TF1 since she is the subject of the “Portrait of the week” in the show Sept à Huit. Faced with Audrey Crespo Mara, Amel Bent confides on a terrible ordeal that occurred a few months ago, when she was just recording the next season of “The Voice”.

Very quickly, I also begin to feel in the days that follow, other sensations that I know less… It starts with cramps in the stomach. I obviously call my doctor right away who tells me it’s a bit normal. As soon as the recording is finished, I’ll go see him to do the famous first ultrasound. Except that the pain intensifies. I say nothing, I go through the days of recording saying to myself: ‘I hope there is nothing serious’ ” begins Amel Bent in an excerpt from the interview shared on Instagram.

Amel Bent learns a few days later that she is having a miscarriage: “Ultimately it’s disillusionment, since when I go to the doctor and the ultrasound is done, he actually tells me that I am losing the baby that I was expecting. It’s a shock because, casually, from the moment you have taken a pregnancy test and it turns out to be positive, you are pregnant. We live it deep in his body, in his heart. We share it with the person we live with. We are already imagining a future, things are going very, very quickly! When you are told: ‘You are pregnant but you will not have children’, it is devastating! […] It is a very special situation, very painful, both physically and psychologically. “

Eleanor de la Fontaine

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