Amel Bent pregnant: she reveals rare photos of her house on maternity leave

In a few weeks, Amel Bent will become the mother of a third child. In full maternity leave, the 36-year-old singer unveiled many images of her house on Instagram on February 26, 2022.

Obviously not knowing what to do with his day, the interpreter of the title Or I’ll shared a few vases from her home, her many plants (two of which are named after her daughters Hana and Sofia), her daughters’ artwork, their bedroom, her favorite books on Mariah Carey, Charles Aznavour and on serial killers, but also and above all her baby’s future room which seems to be in creamy white tones. She also showed off her huge baby bump molded in a sweatshirt pistachio green and the amazing artistic skills of his daughters on the harmonica. “In short, I’m on mat leave‘”, she wrote in story.

Married to Patrick Antonelli, the singer and coach of The Voice recently confided that this end of pregnancy was particularly trying for her. Very tired, she even indicated that she would have canceled her participation in the concert of Motherfuckers if this cause was not so important to her. “I can tell you that, in my condition, without the cause to defend, I would not have had the strength to go to Montpellier, to run in all directions. I am particularly tired by this pregnancy. Even the prod was surprised that I said yes“, she thus revealed to TV 7 Days.

As a reminder, the interpreter of the title My philosophy revealed during season 2 of the show New star in 2004 formalized her pregnancy in October 2021. Unlike the majority of future mothers who announce their pregnancy on Instagram, Amel Bent revealed this information on the show seven to eight facing the journalist Audrey Crespo-Mara.

During this interview, she had confided in her difficult first trimester, in particular on her fear of reliving a miscarriage. “I lived the first three months in apnea, taking far too many blood tests. (…) Every little change, every little pain is… ‘Is the heart still beating?’, ‘Is it okay, is it hanging on?’, ‘Is it that I’m not going to live what I lived before?‘”.

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