Amel Bent: Pin-up mini-dress and sexy neckline, she surprises her fans

In concert on July 14, 2022 in Anzin in the North of France, Amel Bent appeared sexier than ever in a vintage white dress. Styled with ponytail high that perfectly tamed her long curly brown hair, the singer wore a short white dress with shiny sequins with an XXL neckline on stage. Accompanied by large lace-up boots of the same color, the performer of the title Do not hold back your tears lit up the evening with nearly 15,000 spectators present to support it. “Thank you Anzin 15000 hearts tonight it was so good“writes the artist in the caption of a video of her concert that she shared on Instagram. On tour throughout France on the occasion of the release of her 7th album aliveVitaa’s sidekick will perform shows until February 2023.

Mom of Sofia (6 years old), Hana (4 years old) and Zayn (born in April 2022), Amel Bent did not however have easy months following the delivery of his son. Companion of Patrick Antonelli, the 37-year-old singer had to manage her three children alone after the incarceration of her darling, shortly after the birth of their son. Imprisoned in the Nanterre remand center for having illegally exercised the profession of security guard and benefited from state aid during the Covid-19 crisis by lying about the turnover of his company, he was initially to be imprisoned for fifteen months with revocation of two suspended sentences of three and six months.

As a reminder, the companion of Amel Bent had declared a false turnover which had allowed him to obtain 15,000 euros from the solidarity fund. Even if he had since repaid everything, the Court of Appeal had considered that Patrick Antonelli had “unduly took advantage of solidarity measures without taking into account his previous convictions. What ‘makes the pronouncement of a firm prison sentence essential’“, according The Parisian. In the end, he was only in prison for two months. “The court ruled that his detention had no justification“, declared Me David-Olivier Kaminski, who defends Patrick Antonelli with Mes Thomas Lemarié and Samantha Cioloca.

In July 2020, he was involved in a case of trafficking fake driving licenses sold to football stars and the media, with the complicity of agents from the Hauts-de-Seine prefecture. The Nanterre Criminal Court had also issued him with a deferred deposit warrant, but without provisional execution.

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