Amel Bent mother of 3 children: touching secrets about her daughters confronted with her notoriety

Amel Bent was the guest of Nikos Aliagas from 50′ inside this Saturday, September 24, 2022 on TF1. The 37-year-old singer looked back on her youth, the ups and downs of her career, but also on her life as a mom. In a relationship for many years with Patrick Antonelli, Amel Bent is a mother of three children including two girls : Sofia, born on February 4, 2016, Hana, born on October 1, 2017 and Zayn, born on April 4, 2022.

My girls ask such existential questions

Asked by Nikos Aliagas about her relationship with her three children, Amel Bent spoke about the consequences of her celebrity: “My daughters, especially my big Sofia, who is 6 and a half years old, asks me lots of questions. When I take a selfie in the street, they say to me: “But mum, it looks like you didn’t want to, why did you do it?” I say to him: “Well you know, it’s my audience.” So yes, I didn’t really want to take a photo now but, it’s a way for me to tell them “thank you”, she confided. Despite their young age, the daughters of the interpreter of My philosophy are already showing insight towards their mother as the main concerned wanted to know: “They (his daughters) ask questions that are so existential. Kids, that’s what it’s for. You have to explain everything to them.”

When I’m in “The Voice”, I’m always the mom

During the interview, Nikos Aliagas also remembered an anecdote when, the filming of The Voice finished, Amel Bent took his vehicle to take his children to school. “How do we go from one world to another?”asked the host. “When I’m with you on The Voice, I’m always the mom, replied the singer who wants to have a normal life despite the notoriety. When there is a break, we do facetime, we talk with the children… I don’t want there to be any embarrassment in relation to my work, which is also a work of representation. I want everyone to be comfortable and my children to experience it in the healthiest way possible.”

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