Amel Bent mother filled: adorable shot with her baby, bottle in the mouth

In addition to being a very talented singer, Amel Bent is also the mother of 3 children: Sofia (6 and a half years old), Hana (4 years old) and Zayn (six months old), born of her union with the businessman Patrick Antonelli. This Monday, October 10, she shared in an Instagram story an adorable photo of her youngest drinking from a bottle in her arms. The interpreter of My philosophy had already made the bottle his great ally last June to take care of his baby as it should. “I can’t, I have bibi“, she wrote on the social network, photo in support.

In particular, she appeared a bit tired, which is quite naturally explained by the fast paced daily life she leads with her three children, without forgetting that she had to do without her husband this summer since he was in jail. How do you manage ?”, had then asked him the host of RFM Pascal Nègre, the bottle probably not being enough to slow down the frantic pace she leads with her children. Exactly I do not manage“, she had conceded, before confiding that she had been forced to ask for help, which does not look like her.

I want to be the captain of my boat

Me, my problem is that I’m someone who wants to control everything, manage everything, I want to be the captain of my boat. But wanting to do everything ‘quick, quick, quick’ you’re everywhere, you’re nowhere, so I asked for help. JI said to my mother-in-law, ‘Do you mind going on a school trip, bringing them in the morning?'”, she had thus explained, while her son-in-law, her sister, her cousin or even her best friend had also put their hands in the paw. Something to relieve her, especially since, her husband came home and her three children went back to school (CP for the eldest, large section for the youngest and crèche for the youngest, editor’s note).

It is therefore, a priori, with a little more control, that the pretty brunette can now manage her little family, she who recently confided in 50 Minutes Inside on her ability now to accept her physical changes, due in particular to her pregnancy.

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