Amel Bent mom: new crisp photo of her son, baby all hair

Amel Bent will not forget the year 2022 for a particular reason. A few days ago, the coach of The Voice – who was spoiled by her colleagues – gave birth to her third child, a baby boy, whom she nicknames her “little Prince” on her Instagram account. The singer, obviously tired like any young parent, did not want to reveal the first name of the youngest, making a point (raised) of honor to keep a little privacy. This does not prevent the 36-year-old singer to share photos of her baby, alone or with her family, to her subscribers.

This Sunday, April 17, in his Instagram story, Amel Bent offered a too cute photo of his son, in the arms of a loved one (see the slideshow). The face is carefully hidden by a white heart, but one observation is already possible: only a few days old, baby has more hair than his daddy!

Amel Bent came out of silence on April 7 on her Instagram account to formalize the arrival of her third child: “Happy and moved to announce the birth of my little prince. Fit and healthy thanks to Godshe wrote. Thank you for all your messages of love and kindness throughout this pregnancy that I have shared with you.“On the pictures posted for the occasion, the son of Amel Bent and Patrick Antonelli was tenderly curled up in the arms of his parents.

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