Amel Bent mom: her daughters Sofia and Hana carbon copies! Noticed beauty treatment, supporting photo

Amel Bent is pretty, it’s no secret. So when baby Z gives her some respite, the mom of Sofia, 6, and Hana, 4, does her best to prepare her two daughters. As school is soon coming to an end, the sisters experience the last days of class in the company of their classmates. But if two years separate them, the way their mother prepared them this Wednesday, July 5 would almost make them look like twins!

In his Instagram story (see slideshow), after unveiling a photo of his son dressed as a tribute to Michael Jordan, Amel Bent published a snapshot of his daughters kissing each other. If the faces are concealed by a white heart, all the other details are confusing. The two sisters wear a denim jacket, the same mini-hoops as earrings and above all have their hair done exactly the same way: two braids perfectly made using pastel scrunchies, the shade of summer.

Hana and Sofia have always been accomplices. Amel Bent also often share stolen moments of his daughters, always glued to each other. On one of the latest, the daughters of Amel and Patrick Antonelli had put on their dance tutus for a small demonstration of the families at home and they already looked like two drops of water in terms of style!

Just like their mom, Sofia and Hana love to dance but also sing! Perhaps they will one day manage to follow the path in music started by their mother 18 years earlier thanks to her passage in the New star. If for the time being, this artistic future is still uncertain, one thing is certain, Sofia and Hana have allowed Amel Bent to accept each other over time as she had indicated on the set of the show. Daily : “When I look at my daughters and see myself in them, I have to love myself. Because if I don’t like pieces of me, I don’t like pieces of them. And it can’t be.”

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