Amel Bent mom gaga: tender moment with her son, in the middle of a nap

Amel Bent is a mother of thunder! The 36-year-old singer provides on all fronts. Barely days after giving birth to her son in early April, she was already taking the path of TV sets to ensure her role as coach in The Voice. Barely the cameras off, Amel Bent quickly returned to her home to enjoy her three children, including the oldest Hana and Sofia, and the youngest.

The baby is chewable as the artist’s many subscribers have noticed on Instagram. This Wednesday, May 18, 2022, Amel Bent again melted his community by revealing a snapshot of his son, while asleep in his bed (see slideshow). If his face is hidden by a black heart, it is nevertheless easy to see that the baby has inherited his mother’s hair! These moments of tenderness and reunion with his children, Amel Bent needs it, especially right now.

His three children, Amel Bent had them with Patrick Antonelli, his long-time companion, recently imprisoned in the Nanterre remand center. This blow followed the emergency hospitalization of their son. Victim of respiratory problems, consequences of an acute bronchiolitis, the baby finally got out. A relief for the young woman who had to face a problem of a completely different kind some time later.

In the semi-finals of The Voicemarking the return of Florent Pagny plagued by lung cancer, Amel Bent appeared radiant in a tight dress naked, topped with rhinestones. A much brighter look than the remarks she received during the evening on social networks. Some malicious Internet users have criticized the silhouette of the very young mother. But it was bad to know Amel Bent who, far from letting go, answered them with all the confidence that we know him: “It’s up to you, grossophobe, it’s not up to us to hide our bodies, but up to you to get used to seeing them as they are.“Just for that, we would like Amel Bent in our team.

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