Amel Bent, incident in the middle of a concert, a musician attacked by curious beast: “I thought I was going to choke”

Amel Bent headlining a musical event? The public demanded it, Brittany did it! On July 22 and 23, 2022, the town of Penvénan, located in Côtes-d’Armor, actually hosted the Buguélès Festival, during which the singer was able to meet her colleague Hoshi, Silvan Areg or even members of the group Les ogres de Barback. And if she keeps in mind a memory “just magic“, the 37-year-old artist does not forget the few small hazards of the scene … in particular the incident which confronted one of his musicians with a mysterious creature.

I thought I was going to choke

On a video shared on his official Instagram account, we can actually see Amel Bent turning around, in the middle of a song, to find that one of his team members is in the middle of a fight against the unknown. “I share with you this great moment when Mathyas farted normal with a beast during Lossa, she explains on social networks. I thought I was going to choke.“As for which animal or insect it is… the bets are on, ladies and gentlemen. It seems that bats are currently wreaking havoc!

They even thought of baby Z

It is something else, however, that Amel Bent will keep in mind. The fervor of the public, who sang with her in unison. The kindness of the people who welcomed her like a queen during the Buguélès Festival. “They even thought of baby Z“, specifies the singer. And indeed, she came home with her arms full of gifts. Her son, born on April 4, 2022, now has the complete panoply of the little Breton since he has an adorable marinière and a a sleeveless vest with a navy anchor embroidered on the fabric Unwittingly, Amel Bent would have confirmed the first name of Sofia and Hana’s brother 6 and 4 years old ? According to the new tattoo that adorns one of his arms, the boy would have been baptized Zayn. Which would correspond, absolutely, with “baby Z“…

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