Amel Bent: Her companion Patrick in prison, but always close to her … this wink went unnoticed!

Amel Bent is living a special moment. The artist and coach of The Voice connects happiness and disappointment, in a short time. While she became a mother again, giving birth to her son in early April, the 36-year-old singer then had to face a hell of a ordeal: Patrick Antonelli, her longtime companion, was incarcerated at the home of Nanterre stop. A hard blow followed by the emergency hospitalization of their son. Which fortunately ended in a return of the baby at home. In this ordeal, Amel Bent does not let go of her companion to whom she again testified his support with a discreet wink in The Voice.

During the coaching sessions, unveiled on May 14, 2022, she wore a necklace with the name of her man “Patrick” (see slideshow). No doubt, the couple is solid and united in the face of adversity. While her companion is in prison, Amel Bent takes care of the children, Hana, Sofia, and their newborn baby boy. On Instagram, the young mother who made a very noticeable appearance during this semi-final of The Voice, in a tight Louis Vuitton dress, shares rare photos of her daily life. On May 18, 2022, she again melted her community by revealing a snapshot of her son, all asleep in his bed. Moments of tenderness that the star really needs right now.

Of his couple, Amel Bent delivers only a few things also, wanting to keep his private life. At NRJ, last December, the interpreter of 1,2,3 agreed to make a few rare confidences. “I married a man who doesn’t tell me I love you. Yet I think that he is the person who loves me the most in the world“, she let it be known. “I don’t expect him to tell me at all since I feel bathed in love […] The most important thing for me is that there is love“, added the singer.

Why is Patrick Antonelli in prison?

The judges sentenced him for having illegally exercised the profession of security guard because he replaced one day, at short notice, a bodyguard of his companion, as the newspaper reported The Parisian. He was therefore imprisoned in the Nanterre remand center (Hauts-de-Seine), to serve a fifteen-month prison sentence, as pronounced on March 8 by the Nanterre criminal court. The father of Hana, Sofia and the newborn presented an invoice when he did not have the right to exercise, committing an act of fraud in the judgment. Adding to that he also has benefited from state aid paid to compensate for the decline in activity during the Covid-19 pandemic.

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