Amel Bent: Her baby hospitalized urgently before the incarceration of her companion Patrick Antonelli

Amel Bent’s companion is making headlines because of his incarceration in Nanterre. The former driving school manager convicted of license trafficking appeared on Tuesday, May 3, 2022 before the Hauts-de-Seine remand center to serve a fifteen-month prison sentence. A decision which dates back to March 8 but which has only been implemented today. Indeed, the incarceration was postponed due to the imminent delivery of the 36-year-old singer, then the hospitalization of the baby, indicates The Parisian.

According to information from Closer, the infant was rushed to hospital because he was having trouble breathing. He suffered from a acute bronchiolitis, a viral infection. Today, the baby of the famous coach of The Voice and Patrick Antonelli is doing well. At the end of April, the whole family was able to be reunited for precious moments.

We understand all the better why the singer wanted to take advantage of a few weeks of break since the birth of her little boy. With this little “prince”, whose first name she has not yet revealed, born on April 7, and her two eldest, Sofia, 6, and Hana, 4, her days are busy. Two elders invested with love to cherish the youngest, spoiled by all those close to the star like his uncle of heart, Jamel Debbouze.

The former driving school manager, who became a sports coach, Patrick Antonelli, was to be imprisoned in April. But the Nanterre prosecutor’s office agreed to postpone his detention because Amel Bent was to give birth to their third child. A decision then put on hold when the child had to be hospitalized for a few days. This Tuesday, it was now impossible for him to avoid the prison box, in which case the police would have come to get him.

Despite the court cases, the couple is very close. Amel Bent had even published a very rare photo of her companion, with whom she has shared life for many years. Discreet, he very rarely appears alongside the one to whom he had said yes in 2015. Last February, Amel Bent had also made a beautiful statement to him for his birthday: “You or nothing. If only we had met a few years earlier… we would have avoided a lot of pitfalls, you and me. What is certain is that we both made each other much better. One more year to see you mature and become what you are… A good man, a faithful friend, an exceptional father and the kindest of lovers.

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