Amel Bent gaga of his son Zayn: dancing hug and skin to skin too beautiful for the duo

Between Amel Bent and her three children, Sofia, 6 years old, Hana, 4 years old and the youngest, Zayn, three months, the links are close. Every moment that the coach of The Voice with his toddlers is good to take, even if it requires a lot of organization. If Amel Bent was able to count on the presence of Patrick Antonelli, the dad, during his delivery last April, the businessman was imprisoned in the process to serve a prison sentence. The young mother therefore found herself alone to manage her children, the house and her career as an artist. But that period is now over.

Amel Bent has found her man and savors the joys of a family life full of happiness with his other half and the fruits of their love. Especially with little Zayn, who is growing at breakneck speed. This Monday July 25 in story on his Instagram account (see slideshow), the artist, who was returning from a date in the Côtes d’Armor, rushed to his son to give him huge hugs. More than happy to find him, the mother even danced with him. Baby firmly held against her, Amel Bent has taken small steps that she has shared with her subscribers.

Amel Bent definitely has all the talents. The young mother, discovered in New star, is not only an excellent singer and a golden coach for other talents but she is also a great dancer. Fans have seen it in Dance with the stars during his participation, in the clip of his last title, Lossaand therefore during his reunion with little Zayn.

The family seems to have found its rhythm. Solo mother of three children at the start, Amel Bent had no choice but to ensure, a task far from being easy: “The first month was a little annoying! I had forgotten how babies cried a lot. I had trouble concentrating, I had special moments, especially in the morning, she confided during a live on Instagram. I had little rushes where I found myself combing my daughter’s hair with one hand, giving my son a bottle with the other…“Difficult times now behind her!

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