Amel Bent cash on her pregnancy: “I haven’t always listened to the advice around me”

For me, it was a question for a long time, especially when I had my first child: to be a 100% artist, did you have to sacrifice my family life, or vice versa?“, she asked herself, before deciding to take on the two head-on, a decision sometimes”a bit complicated“.”Living this pregnancy by really defending this album 100% is a bit like answering this question, for me and for others after me.“.

A committed woman who decided not to “not entirely [écouter] advice“around her for”live fully the pregnancy but also fully the adventure of this new album“. As she confided to the journalist, Nathalie Lévy, the delivery is expected in two months. The time for her to finish The Voice where she is very popular with the public.

Last week, she recovered Vike, on which the 4 coaches had returned and who had melted them with emotion. Ollie had also caught his attention for the next round…

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