Ambre Dol (Large families) qualified as a “bag of bones”: reaction and revelation about her past

Cyberbullying is more than ever at the heart of Large families, life in XXL (TF1), since the Pellissard tribe received a new threatening letter at home. TF1 therefore called on Internet users to calm down. Unfortunately, some continue to go wild on social media. The proof is with a comment unveiled by Amber Dol in Instagram story, February 9, 2022.

The young woman certainly did not think that a product placement was going to generate a comment on her physique. After putting on a few clothes for a brand, Amber discovered that a woman referred to her as “bag of bones“. A message that she wanted to put forward on her account to send a message.”The problem of cyberbullying is not us, it is simply these people who are at the origin of it. And I worry a lot about those people who end up missing something in their lives. So I advise you to go for a consultation or simply to take a Lexomyl cure.“, first confided the wife of Alexander.

Ambre Dol recalled that, like all women, she had complexes. And the negative comment she received made her think of an old malaise. “Me for a long time I felt too skinny. Now I feel good about myself because I learned to accept my body. Many tell me that I am lucky to have a body like mine after having five children. Afterwards, I feel good in my body but I have complexes like all women. We are never happy with what we have. And when I see a woman with a complex, I want to help her. And that’s called empathy and kindness“, continued the mother of the family. She therefore does not understand how some people can spit their venom like this.

Ambre Dol is not the only one to be the target of criticism on her physique. On February 8, for example, Diana Blois was compared to a horse. He was also criticized… for smiling too much.

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