Ambre Dol (Large families) in shared custody with the father of her eldest: “It’s not easy…”

A few years ago, Amber Dol fell for alexander, the one who became her husband in 2021 and with whom she educates their five children. But three of them are not those of the 33-year-old technician. Indeed, before falling under his spell, the mother of Large families, life in XXL first lived a long relationship with the father of his elders, Jade (13 years old), Maëlys (11 years old) and Lizandro (6 years old). And since their separation, she has to resolve to share their custody, which sometimes amounts to great suffering. I didn’t want this situation… I didn’t have children to have them every other week! It’s not the point of a family life but separation and divorce are not a tragedy and my children should not be torn away like pieces of furniture in the house“, she has already confided.

But according to his recent confidences in story Instagram, everything seems to be going as well as possible. “This is not obvious… But it’s not prison at the father of the three big ones! They can come when they want to see us… And that’s already huge !”, she rejoiced. What is more, Ambre Dol still has her last two children full time, Joachim (3 years old) and Winona (2 years old). It is moreover rather the latter who find it difficult to live the separation with the older ones. “Babies often ask for their brothers and sisters, there are little tears from time to time… But video is magic to comfort them“, she confided again.

Always in story Instagram, the one who had recourse to a rhinoplasty also evoked the relations of her elders with their father-in-law Alexandre. “It’s not always all rosy like in all families. They can have disagreements (like with me), precisely because Alex is totally involved in their life and upbringing“, she assured. Thus, she has no doubt about the love that everyone has within their clan: “He has them every other week like me, we make decisions together. He loves them for sure! They love it, that’s for sure too!

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