Ambre Dol (Large families), his daughter Jade hospitalized: “They found a bacterium”

Fear of fear among Dol ! On November 11, the mother Amber took to her Instagram account to admit having to take her eldest Jade (15) to the emergency room. The teenager then suffered from severe pain in the back and stomach, all accompanied by a high fever. It did not take more for the candidate to Large families, life in XXL have his daughter examined. The latter has since been staying in the hospital where it was discovered that she had a problem with the right colon. But this Monday morning, it is good news that the wife of Alexandre Dol announced.

We can’t wait to leave. It’s very positive for Jade. Ultimately, it wouldn’t be a chronic inflammatory disease.. They found a bacteria in her that would explain this inflammation of the colon. She must continue the antibiotics for ten days. We still see the gastro in two months to schedule the colonoscopy to still check all that“, she told her community.

The day before, Ambre Dol already appeared confident about the imminent release of his daughter Jade. “She’s going to go back to school and she’s happy. She is happy to find her way back to school“, she commented under images of the pretty brunette who was regaining strength. The mother of five children (Joaquim, Winona, fruit of his union with Alexandre and Jade, Maëlys and Lizandro, born from a previous relationship), had also taken advantage of her speech to reframe an Internet user who criticized her for having continued her product placements during this worrying period. “I am a mom first and foremost. My life goes on. Jade is not on the verge of death. She’s fine, she’s better. I continue to do my housework, take care of my children and I also continue my work on Instagram and talking to you. Tuesday, I resume work. These kind of thoughts, you put them in the ass“, she blurted out bluntly.

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