Amber Heard swears she can’t afford Johnny Depp but rented a house for a fortune!

How much money does actress Amber Heard have? According to the specialized site Celebrity Net Worth, it would not exceed 6 million dollars. Suffice to say a trifle in Hollywood … We understand better why she had claimed 100 million from Johnny Depp after having counter-attacked his defamation complaint, by filing the same in turn. Unfortunately for her, justice decided on June 1 that she had defamed her ex-husband by accusing him of domestic violence. She was ordered to pay him 15 million, a sum revised downwards by the judge to 10,350,000 dollars. To this sum, it is necessary to remove the 2 million that must pay him the actor also convicted, but only on one count. Despite this, she says she can’t pay him $8.3 million

Following this lost trial, the actress’s lawyer, Elaine Bredehoft, informed the press and the courts that her client could not “absolutely” not pay such a sum and that she intended to appeal. We remember that during her divorce from Johnny Depp, the actress seen in Aquaman had negotiated the tidy sum of 7 million dollars. She had sworn to want to donate the sum to associations but several investigations, in particular that carried out by the legal team of the star of Pirates of the Caribbean had shown that she had actually paid only $100,000 to the Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles and $1.3 million to the American Civil Liberties Union. Where did the rest of the money go?

Amber Heard, victim of a petition having collected millions of signatures to make her disappear fromAquaman 2necessarily has financial resources since TMZ reveals that she has rented a sumptuous 4000 m² house in McLean, in the State of Virginia, during the trial. An eight-bedroom mansion – she has only one daughter, Oonagh Paige – with cinema room and tennis court. Cost of the operation? $22,000 a month. An expense that surprises because the star did not particularly need such luxurious accommodation during his trial. While her career promises to be thwarted, it remains to be seen how she can hope to bring money into the coffers…

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