Amber Heard: A video of the actress simulating a note-taking is the buzz

The trial between Amber Heard and her ex-husband Johnny Depp ended this Wednesday, June 1, 2022 after six weeks of confrontation in Fairfax court in Northern Virginia. Johnny Depp emerged victorious from this trial against Amber Heard who was accused of defamation of her ex-husband whom she accused of domestic violence. She is liable to a fine of 15 million dollars in damages.

Amber Heard takes notes in the middle of a court session

But during this endless legal soap opera, Amber Heard would have found a small and rather original occupation. Indeed, the actress took notes throughout the trial. It is a clip published on TikTok and reported by the film producer Andy Signore to the English media Popcorned Planet.

The viral low-res clip shows a close-up of Amber Heard’s right hand holding a pen and writing on a small sheet of paper. This short video caused a huge buzz on social networks. But then, what did the actress write? Did she write down the decisions of the jurors word for word? Was she preparing a speech to defend herself against Johnny Depp? Well actually, none of this was put on paper by Amber Heard.

A simple orchestrated staging?

According to the English media Small Screen, Amber Heard was simply simulating taking notes. Why was Amber Heard faking note taking? Did the actress find this court session a little too boring or did she want to put on a show? Because yes, remember however that Amber Heard is above all an actress! The question remains, but in any case, the trial is well and truly over!

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