Secret Level is an animated anthology series for adults that explores original stories within popular video game universes. With 15 episodes, it features classic games like Pac-Man and Mega Man, indie favorites like Spelunky, and newer titles like Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2. Directed by Tim Miller, the series has received mixed reviews, holding a 56% rating on Rotten Tomatoes and a score of 51 on Metacritic, while some praise its engagement with both gamers and newcomers.
Overview of Secret Level
Secret Level is an animated anthology series targeted at adults, showcasing original tales set in various beloved video game worlds. Spanning across 15 episodes, the series aims to honor these iconic franchises through a fresh lens. Tim Miller, renowned for his work on Netflix’s LOVE, DEATH + ROBOTS as well as directing the first Deadpool and Terminator: Dark Fate, takes the helm of this project.
Featured among the notable franchises are timeless classics like Pac-Man and Mega Man, along with indie hits such as Spelunky and Sifu, and recent releases like Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2. The series also aims to introduce audiences to upcoming titles like Exodus. Viewers can enjoy this diverse exploration of 15 different video game universes, with the series launching on December 10, available on Prime Video.
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Critical Reception of Secret Level
As of now, Secret Level holds a 56% recommendation rate on Rotten Tomatoes based on 9 reviews, while Metacritic rates it at 51/100 from 7 reviews. A notable critique comes from IGN, which provided a score of 5/10, characterizing the show as ‘a season of LOVE, DEATH + ROBOTS if it solely concentrated on branding‘. Journalist Steven Nguyen Scaife comments on the series being ‘burdened by the fatigue of watching endless video game trailers‘ and notes it ‘falls into the common traps of the anthology format‘, ultimately not capturing the medium’s full potential. The harshest critique originates from William Hughes at AV Club, who asserts: ‘despite a few standouts, this is a disappointing waste of potential‘.
Conversely, some reviewers have found merit in the series. Kate Sánchez from But Why Tho? commends it for ‘taking the time to engage with its player audience while also welcoming new viewers‘. Ross Bonaime from Collider observes, ‘Secret Level serves as an intriguing exploration of fascinating video game universes, although it occasionally leans towards promotional content‘. Critics have noted that not all episodes are on par, which is typical for anthology series, but the installment focusing on The Outer Worlds is particularly highlighted.
But Why Tho?Collider
Ratings Summary for Secret Level
Aggregate Ratings:
- Metacritic: 51/100 (7 reviews)
- Rotten Tomatoes: 56% (9 reviews)
Press Ratings:
- But Why Tho?: 8.5/10
- Collider: 7/10
- IGN: 5/10
- AV Club: C
- Looper: 4/10
- Radio Times: 2/5
- Slant Magazine: 2/5