Amandine Pellissard wealthy thanks to product placements? His surprising secrets about his influencer salary

If there is indeed a candidate for Large Families, life in XXL who has a response, it is indeed Amandine Pellissard. This is partly why the mother does not try to mix with the other candidates. “We don’t see any other families. We’ve seen it before, but we don’t see it… I mean, just because we’re on the same show doesn’t mean we have to spend all our Sundays together. I think it’s important to be yourself. You know, sometimes there are people who do things just to look like it, and that’s not my thing at all”, she explained during a live Instagram. In fact, she even blocked a family from the program because they allegedly copied their content from social networks.

Speaking of social media, Amandine Pellissard was asked to talk about her salary. While some find it difficult to raise the issue of money, the young woman did not back down during her interview with Jordan Deluxe in his show At Jordan’s of Tele-Leisure. So, the beautiful blonde first said: “People extrapolate a lot. People think we’re millionaires.”

A response to which Jordan Deluxe bounced back saying: “You don’t earn more than 300 euros per publication?”. Amandine Pellissard then clarified: “No, I don’t think so. I’m not a voracious person. There are very pretentious people who overcharge themselves. Me, that’s not my case. And there are also product placements where I does not ask for remuneration. It depends on who I have in front of me”.

The mother of eight children therefore has no problem talking about her life and no matter the subject used. This is exactly why viewers love Amandine Pellissard. Recently, she confessed that she would not be against becoming a columnist in Do not touch My TV. To be continued…

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