Amandine Pellissard (Large families): The diagnosis of a neuropediatrician on the delays of her children

It’s not always easy to be Amandine Pellissard. After being harassed by dangerous haters on social networks and even having received death threats against her family, the mother of eight children admitted to having problems with several of her children who would have developmental difficulties. On May 13, 2022, the candidate of the show Large families: life in XXL announced that she had an appointment with a neuropediatrician for two of her sons: Charles and Hector.

Nothing to say in any case on the support. The doctor was great, but compared to the boys, what comes out […] is thatthere is indeed a language delay […] and also some minor fine motor issues“, she confided at the exit of this medical appointment specifying that “Charles has more trouble stay focused on a task for a long time“Amazing thing for mom,”the fact that the two brothers are affected by this same disorder, at about the same age, because they are only a year apart. (…) There, for the doctor, we must explore the genetic track, [à cause du] fact that several of our children presented these same disorders and delays, at the same age.

Similarly, her daughter Lena also suffered from learning disabilities when she was in the small section of kindergarten. If the little girl is now a real one”chatterbox“, at the time”she barely spoke” and “had very little vocabulary“according to Amandine who reveals that she had been followed by a speech therapist from her 4 to her 6 years.

When you are told that your child is not like the others, it is always complicated, even if, indeed, there is more serious, it always hurts tell you that there is a health or development problem!“, she confided, while adding that she was going “support their children“as best as she could.”Inevitably, these little problems are a bit anxiety-provoking. It hurts the heart to see your babies having these problems, when they are so sunny, good in their sneakers, happy with everything they do, with what they are offered, to go to school , to play with their brothers and sisters…“, she explained.

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