Amandine Pellissard (Large families) receives a horrible letter, she reveals its content

Amandine Pellissard and her husband Alexandre are at the head of an incredible blended family with 8 children. Together, they had 7 and Amandine Pellissard had her eldest Leo, 15, during a previous union. Their unusual everyday life, which fills them with happiness, they share in Large families, life in XXL (TF1 and TFX) since the very first season.

This exhibition attracts many viewers and allowed Amandine Pellissard to acquire a solid reputation. The mother can congratulate herself on being followed by 272,000 subscribers on her Instagram page, a community that interests many brands for collaborations and product placements. Except that all is not rosy in this notoriety acquired recently. Exposing yourself publicly can also lead to criticism, some being extremely virulent, to the point of being qualified as harassment.

Friday January 21, 2022, Amandine Pellissard wanted to show it by openly revealing a letter received at her home. And to prove the abject criticism she and her family are receiving, she read it in full in a video posted to her Instagram account. “You bastard with your botoxed face (…) Family of soc(ial) cases, morons…“, in particular wrote the author of this handwritten letter which boasts of having taken gloves not to be unmasked in the event of DNA analysis.

Amandine Pellissard’s approach is to show very clearly what bullying and cyberbullying look like and to remember that they are punishable by law. “We are human beings, a family, not to approve, not to like, not to condone…are your rights. Harassing, denigrating, insulting, persecuting… are offences. Free to think, to express themselves. Required to respect“, comments the mother of Large families in the caption accompanying its publication.

In the comments of this post, many are those who support Amandine Pellissard in her approach and are outraged by the violence of these criticisms which affect Alexandre’s wife but also their young children.

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