Amandine Pellissard (Large families) in a bra on the networks: her eldest son Léo “encourages her”

It is an understatement to say that the show Large families, life in XXL will have changed the lives of Pellissard. This happy tribe, made up of parents Amandine and Alexandre and their eight children (Léna, Alina, Louna, Adam, Charles, Hector, Octave and Léo), has become very popular on the air but also on social networks. It is above all Amandine Pellissard who maintains a daily presence on Instagram by trying her hand at influencer activity. She even recently signed with Magali Berdah’s agency, Shauna Events. Having become very comfortable on the Web, the mother who is struggling to have a ninth child does not hesitate to go so far as to reveal in underwear. Posts that make you cringe.

Indeed, some Internet users see a problem that she strips naked vis-à-vis her children. But during a live directed on Sunday April 24, 2022, Amandine Pellissard set the record straight. “Sometimes I see comments when I’m doing stories while I’m in a bra or taking pictures that I don’t think are inappropriate at all. I’m not just a mom, I’m first and foremost a woman“, she recalled. And to get annoyed with those who supposedly criticize her”for his eldest son, because his friends are going to give a fuck…“.

But according to her, Leo (15 years old, born from a previous relationship) represents on the contrary a great support. Better yet, he wants her to keep going. “My eldest son is doing very well. His friends don’t give a shit. He never had a single inappropriate remark. Besides, when I tell him that, he encourages me to put more to make all these people close the valve!“, she assured.

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