Amandine Pellissard (Large families) collapsed: Death of a loved one, she was only 34 years old

Sunday 24 October 2021, Amandine Pellissard, one of the stars of Large families, life in XXL with her husband Alexander and their eight children announced terrible news. The mother of the family has lost a loved one.

It is on Instagram, as always, that she chose to express herself and share her grief. She informed her subscribers of the death of a friend from cancer. A relative who was only 34 years old, like her. Elodie was a mother who had two children, a husband and she fought for a long time to try to get out of it. It is not without emotion that Amandine Pellissard paid tribute to him in story. She notably let it be known that the young woman fought relentlessly and “unfortunately did not survive and succumbed to all her metastases which invaded most of her organs and which unfortunately led her to die a few weeks ago“.

Pained, Amandine Pellissard had also recovered and revealed that Elodie had trouble getting good treatment in France and had considered doing it abroad: “How can I tell you that I am really very sad and disgusted that in France, when these treatments are accessible, many sick people do not check the boxes necessary to access these treatments which would offer them a high chance of remission.“Her friend is therefore dead and Amandine Pellissard paid her a touching tribute.

The star of Large families, life in XXL shares everything with his fans and does not hesitate to shout when we attack his son Leo for example. She also shares with them the tragedies of her life such as being a victim of incest.

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