Amandine Pellissard (Large families), a liar? Gérôme Blois stings her and makes fun of her

The rag continues to burn between Les Blois and Amandine Pellissard. In Instagram story, Gérôme again attacked the mother who is also a candidate in Large families, life in XXL. He notably accused her of lying.

One interview was enough to stir up tensions. Guest on webcast At Jordan’sAmandine Pellissard confided that she was “copiously pissed off“against another tribe of Large families. “I have somewhat particular principles, I hate that people come to me by interest and that they try to plagiarize a little what I do, that’s what we do with my family.“, she confided. And to specify that the family in question had notably copied them on the live.

Feeling targeted, Diana and Gérôme Blois quickly took the floor to attack Amandine Pellissard. And the father of the blended family of eight children added a layer of it on February 3, 2022. “I am told in the headset that Queen Amandine had formulated an answer in a story last night and that she refuted. That the people who felt targeted were wrong. (…) I am told in a second headset that she did not assume and that she deleted her story. Well then Amandine, what happened. For a principled woman again, you surprised me. You definitely surprise me“, he launched.

Gérôme then shared a video of a liveAmanda and Alexander. The young woman there explained in particular that the message in which she replied to the Blois had been deleted only because his story was filled. “We are limited, can we hear him say. A justification that made Diana’s husband laugh a lot. He wanted to demonstrate that what she was saying was not possible, with a song in the background whose words are “mytho, mythomaniac“.”The discomfort of the explanation for the deletion of the story from yesterday at 11 p.m.“, he also specified. A new attack to which his rival has not responded at present.

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