Amandine Pellissard (Large families): A big change to come for the clan

For several seasons now, Amandine Pellissardher lover Alexandre and their eight children make the beautiful days of Large families, life in XXL. The couple at the head of this beautiful tribe shares their extraordinary daily life in front of the TF1 cameras. And the least we can say is that the shoots are grueling… Moreover, the production is making a big change at this level, as Amandine Pellissard explains to Entertainment TV.

An episode lasts 25 minutes on screen. But behind it are many hours of preparation. Thus, the clans spend time commenting on the sequences, answering questions in front of the camera. “Interviews are very, very time consuming. We spend hours there, as there is no voiceover on the show. Before, we did them in the evening, after the day of filming, once the children had gone to bed. But it was too tiring. It could go until 1 am, my eyes were falling (laughs)“, recalls the young mother.

A difficult pace to maintain, especially since Amandine Pellissard, like many other candidates from Large families, life in XXL, must manage the organization of his little tribe in parallel, between meals, children’s homework and bedtime. From now on, production offers a new mode of operation. “We changed the system. From now on, we call on a nanny and TF1 reimburses us the costs nanny, she indicates. If you have to travel, precisely to shoot an interview in a given place, it also takes into account travel costs. On the other hand, the outings we do are on our account because we plan them ourselves.

As she has already specified several times, the clans of the program are not paid. “But we are paid for the expenses that are generated by filming, at our expense. That is, taxi rides and child care“, adds Amandine Pellissard. A major change for her who can now go to bed less tired!

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